Tuesday, June 17, 2008

More then a year later...

It's been a long time since I we have updated our Blog! I am committing to do better because Kodi loves to see the blogs of our families and friends.

Kodi is in Gymnastics, we go every Thursday. She LOVES it. Each day when she wakes up she asks us, "Is it Sursday yet?" She got a trophy for participating this past Spring and she carried it around for the first week showing everyone. I finally talked her into retiring the trophy to the bookshelf so that it wouldn't get broken.

She is such a special girl. Devin and I took her swimming to the Spanish Fork pool a few Saturdays ago, and she had a blast. I have been able to take her back a couple times since then too. She is a dare devil, and has no fear. She always asks if she can jump off the diving board, she doesn't understand she can't swim.

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